Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

King Group companies’ advisers understand that privacy is important to its clients.

We are subject to the principals outlined within the Privacy Policy Version 3.3 Click to download a copy.

If you have come through to this page from your financial adviser’s website, your financial adviser is authorised by Wealth Effect Advisory Pty Ltd and is also subject to The Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy explains how we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, which have been established under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The Privacy Policy covers:

Contacting King Group companies about privacy

We always welcome feedback about client experiences, as we know things don’t always go the way they should. If you:

You can contact us directly as set out below. We are committed to doing the right thing by you and we will respond as soon as possible.

National Client & Compliance Manager
PO Box 6083
Hawthorn West VIC 3122
Telephone: (03) 9999 2700

Alternatively your concerns can be emailed to:

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